If using pork shoulder, slice 1/4" to 1/2" thick. If using chicken thighs, pound down any thick spots.
Prepare Marinade
Combine the hydrated peppers and other marinade ingredients in blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.
Marinate the meat
In a container large enough to hold the meat and marinade (but small enough to fit in the refrigerator), mix the meat and marinade, ensuring all meat is coated.
Cover, and let rest for 4 hours up to overnight.
Build Meat Tower
Preheat smoker to 275°F
We will be using a skewer in the center to hold things together. Place a thick slice of pineapple on the bottom as the base.
Start adding individual slices of meat to the skewer, atop the pineapple.
When the meat is all on, top with another slice of pineapple.
Place meat tower in smoker until internal temp has reached 165°F
Prepare Salsa Verde
Place tomatillos, onion, jalapenos, and garlic on baking sheet.
Coat everything except garlic with oil
Place in oven under boiler for 2-3 minutes, until lightly roasted.
Remove papery coating from garlic.
Place everything in the blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.